
Symptoms of Sun Damage

Symptoms of Sun Damage

Being in the sun is an enjoyable experience. In fact, as humans we were designed to need sun to help our bodies function physically and to benefit our emotional and mental development. The importance of being able to spend time in the sun can be seen when we look at what happens to people emotionally when they live in areas that have extended periods of time without sun.

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What Causes Acne Scars?

What Causes Acne Scars?

Acne scars can detract from your appearance and make you feel self-conscious. Scars on human skin generally result from a wound or injury. Although they may not be aesthetically pleasing, scars are a natural part of the healing process.

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Micro Laser Peel for Keratoses

Micro Laser Peel for Keratoses

Keratoses are crusty, scaly spots on the skin. They usually develop on the face, ears, scalp and arms or on the back of the hands, but they can appear on any part of the body, especially if it is regularly exposed to the sun.

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Brandy & Courtney Schedule Flyer

Brandy & Courtney Schedule Flyer